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Suzanne morgan has had two very interesting careers. She was born in Stafforsdhire in 1944, the daughter of drapers and her original career plan was to become games mistress but her mother insisted she become a hairdresser. During this career she rose to become manager of three hair and beauty salons on board ocean liner the QE2 representing Steiner of London, which she did for 5 years.


Her second career began in 1989 when she became the only Lady Pawnbroker in Staffordshire, a position which she held for 15 years until her retirement in 2004.


During her years as a hairdresser Suzanne met a fascinating cross section of people from two very different spectrums of society and gathered many interesting stories which when told her are both hilarious and spellbinding.


Suzanne is also is a past president of Bilston and District Soroptimists, a current member of Inner Wheel District 21, a Member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists and has recently been paragliding and scuba diving and entered 2004 Formula Woman Motor Racing.


But Suzanne has suffered major spine surgery three times and consequently likes to prove to herself that there is life within the parameters of 'a bad back'. Her hobbies include golf, gardening, classical music and jazz.


She is currently learning Bridge as well as watercolor painting, just in case she has time to get bored. Suzanne firmly believes that a sense of humour is an essential requisite to cope with modern day living


Suzanne Morgan
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